What is a membership authority?
Membership authorities are the different types of permission a person may have on their health insurance membership. If you are unsure of the authority levels on your membership, or wish to make a change, simply give us a call.
Primary member, or policy holder
The main person on the membership, formally known as the ‘policy holder’. Communications are addressed to this member. They have full authority to do everything on a membership and are responsible for payments. There can only be one Primary Member and it's the person named at the time the membership was started.
Spouse Authority
Spouse authority is an authority granted to the spouse (partner/husband/wife/de facto) on a policy. This member can make changes to the policy, such as reviewing cover, making payment changes or adding people to the membership. They can only remove themselves from a policy and cannot cancel a policy.
Couple and family memberships joining Frank from health.com.au have default spousal access from 1 October 2021. To make a change to this, or check access at any time please contact Frank.
Power of Attorney (POA) authority
Any person with a valid POA can be appointed to make financial, personal and/or medical decisions on behalf of the member or policy holder. POA documentation is required prior to allowing this person to make changes on behalf of a member.
Other types of membership access
Spouses or child/student dependants that do not have membership authority can only make enquiries regarding their own product coverage or claims history. They can remove themselves from a membership without approval of the member.
Client authority
A member can opt to have a third party not listed on the membership can be authorised to allow them to access personal and sensitive information and claim on the behalf of the members.
Unsure about membership authorities or want to confirm access to your membership? Please contact Frank.