Member support
Frequently asked questionsFAQs
From troubleshooting to making changes to your cover, get all the answers.
Going to hospitalFind out more
Planning to go to hospital or want more information on what’s involved? This step by step guide makes it easy.
How to claim ambulanceFind out more
Ambulance cover in Australia can be a bit confusing. We break it down state by state.
Gym and exercise class formDownload Now
Complete this form if you are eligible to claim your gym membership or exercise classes under your health management benefits.
About membership authorityFind out more
Find out more about the types of authority you can have on your policy.
Accident Declaration FormDownload Now
Had a hospital admission for an accident and need to claim? Please complete this form.
Need more help? Get in touch
9:00am-4:30pm AEDT
Monday to Friday -
Contact frank by email and we'll respond to you shortly
1300 437 265
8:30am-5:00pm AEDT Monday to Friday